First up, the followers of Porn. All of my stuff was going to be Slaanesh flavoured to start with but I gave up on that idea in the end, not before I'd coverted my bloodletter though. To keep a bit of consistancy the rest of my Khorne, now Porn, stuff ended up bright orange and a bit pervy.
Greater Daemon of Porn, The Lovethirster.This fella usually stands in as Skarbrand.Pleasures of the Flesh hounds. Basically just old school cold ones with the boss getting a head swap.
Joining my Horror Proxies are this scratch build herald on disk.Some scratch built screamersAnd some old school flamers.
And finally the mainstay of the army, Slaanesh.
Fiends unit 1...
...Unit 2......and unit 3!
36 Daemonettes
A token unit of Seekers
A lovely old fashioned Keeper of Secrets.
A couple of Soul Grinders round out this here cheesefest quite nicely.
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13 years ago